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- N/A
- Unknown
- 1974.0140.002
- White, Kelvin & James Ltd.
- Unknown
- Glasgow, Scotland
More Information
General Information
- Serial #
- N/A
- Part Number
- 2
- Total Parts
- 2
- N/A
- Patents
- N/A
- General Description
- Wood, leather, brass.
Note: These reflect the general size for storage and are not necessarily representative of the object's true dimensions.
- Length
- 24.7 cm
- Width
- 26.0 cm
- Height
- 17.2 cm
- Thickness
- N/A
- Weight
- N/A
- Diameter
- N/A
- Volume
- N/A
- Group
- Exploration and Survey
- Category
- Measurement-direction
- Sub-Category
- N/A
- White
- Country
- Scotland
- State/Province
- Unknown
- City
- Glasgow
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- Period
- Unknown
- Canada
Unknown - Function
Unknown - Technical
Unknown - Area Notes
- Markings
- Tag attached to wooden box reads: 'Article No 148/ Azimuth Mirror/ Kelvin # 5660/ Hydrographic/ Condition - good' White sticker with red border adhered to box reads: 'AZIMUTH MIRROR H.S.No./ Desc . Brass about 7"/ Maker; Kelvin No.5660/ Condition; Fair, Centre pins missing/ Bubble evaporated' Instructions adhered to the inside of the box door reads: 'INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF LORD KELVIN'S AZIMUTH MIRROR.// BEARINGS can be taken with this instrument in two/ ways. (1) By looking direct at the object over the top of/ the prism. The degrees of the card reflected in the prism/ are then seen close below the object ; (2) By looking through/ the lens at the degree of the card. The first method is applicable/ to objects on the horizon, and is more particularly useful/ for taking bearings of distant landmarks which are too indis-/ tinct to be seen when reflected in the prism. The second/ method may be used either for taking bearings of objects/ on the horizon or for taking bearings of the sun, moon, or/ stars.// For taking bearings by the first method the prism is kept/ turned (arrow-head down) with its mounting stopper against/ the framework. The observer turns the instrument round/ its vertical axis till the prism and lens are fairly opposite/ to the object, and places his eye so as to see the object over/ the prism and reads the bearing of the object from the com-/ pass card as seen reflected in the prism.// For taking bearings by the second method the observer/ looks through the lens at the degree divisions of the com-/ pass card and turns the prism (arrow-head up) round its/ horizontal axis till he brings the image of/ the object to fall/ on the card. He then reads directly on the card the com-/ pass bearing of the object.// The pointer is used merely as an aid in directing the/ instrument towards the object, but the bearing is read directly/ from the object as seen on the compass card. It is not/ necessary the pointer should be pointing exactly towards/ the object unless the altitude be very high For objects/ from horizon up to 38 [symbol for degrees] of altitude the error on the bearing/ would be less than half a degree, even if the pointer were/ pointing 4 [symbol for degrees]/ away from the object.// Makers - KELVIN & JAMES WHITE, Ltd.. 16 to 20 Cambridge Street, Glasgow.'
- Missing
- N/A
- Finish
- Unknown
- Decoration
- N/A
If you choose to share our information about this collection object, please cite:
White, Kelvin & James Ltd., Box, Unknown Date, Artifact no. 1974.0140, Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation,
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