Sheet, press
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- litho/uncut/colour/label
- 1898
- 2008.1496.001
- Unknown
- Silver Seal Cocoanut/J.J. Fanning Co. Ltd.
- Unknown
More Information
General Information
- Serial #
- N/A
- Part Number
- 1
- Total Parts
- 1
- N/A
- Patents
- N/A
- General Description
- Stylized images of whole coconuts in tree, and scene of children being pelted with coconuts by monkeys in treetops decorate label.
Note: These reflect the general size for storage and are not necessarily representative of the object's true dimensions.
- Length
- 85.1 cm
- Width
- 58.2 cm
- Height
- N/A
- Thickness
- N/A
- Weight
- N/A
- Diameter
- N/A
- Volume
- N/A
- Group
- Agriculture
- Category
- Merchandising
- Sub-Category
- N/A
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- City
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- Period
- Unknown
- Canada
Many of the plates, proofs, labels and posters were produced for Canada's growing number of manufacturers in everything from farm implements to preserved food, pharmaceuticals and musical instruments. Some of these, like Massey Harris, were once giants. Others may have left no other traces than the plate and proof for a cheque, receipt or letterhead. The artifacts and print specimens represent the output of one of the fastest growing industries in this period: printing and graphic arts. Not only was printing growing rapidly as a sector, it was also subdividing into specialized segments. The engraving and lithography trades, whose processes excelled at reproducing creative imagery, colour, and decorative calligraphy, commanded the market for stationery, packaging, posters, promotional calendars and catalogue covers. The collection attests to the emergence of a new market, consumer goods, and a new industry, advertising. During this period, the role of the household as a centre of production was steadily weakened as its members became implicated in the labour market. As members became increasingly dependent on cash employment, household needs like clothing and food had to be met by purchasing goods. At the same time manufacturers, pressed by competition, continually sought both to expand their markets and reduce their costs through mass production. National markets for consumer goods thus emerged. The printing and publishing industry played a key role in this process through advertising and packaging. This sheet contains labels for J.J. Fanning Co. Ltd., Ottawa, ON. - Function
Contains multiple copies of printed labels ready for cutting. - Technical
Contains multiple copies of printed labels ready for cutting. This press sheet contains labels for cocoanut - Area Notes
- Markings
- Sheet contains 12 labels. "SILVER SEAL/ COCOANUT/ THE J.J. FANNING CO. LIMITED/ OTTAWA, ONTARIO" and "FANNING'S/ SILVER/ SEAL/ COCOANUT/ MANUFACTURED BY/ THE J.J. FANNING CO. LIMITED/ OTTAWA, ONTARIO" printed on front and back panels; "COCOANUT/ COOKIES./ One cup Fan-/ning's Silver Seal/ Cocoanut, one cup/ butter, two cups su-/ gar, two eggs, one/ teaspoonful of Fan-/ ning's Malt Baking/ Powder in flour/ enough to roll out./ Roll very thin and/ bake quickly but do/ not brown./ IMPROMPTU/ DESSERT./ Place a layer of/ sliced oranges on/ bottom of a glass/ dish, cover with/ powdered sugar/ and then a thick/ layer of Fanning's/ Silver Seal Cocoa-/nut, repeating this/ until the dish is/ full./ SILVER SEAL/ COCOANUT/ CAKE./ Cream three-quar-/ ters cup butter with/ two cups sugar, add/ one cup sweet milk,/ then add three cups/ flour with one tea-/ spoonful Fanning's/ Malt Baking Pow-/ der, add the white/ of six eggs well/ beaten and make a/ batter of all. Bake/ in jelly tins. Fill/ between the layers/ with the following:/ Beat the white of/ two eggs to a froth,/ stir in one half cup/ of powdered sugar,/ one half cup flour/ and one cup Fan-/ ning's Cocoanut in/ one cup of boiling/ milk. Ice with Fan-/ ning's Vanilla Icing/ and before it dries/ sprinkle thickly/ with Cocoanut." and "COCOANUT/ CAKE./ One cup of sugar/ and one large table-/ spoonful of butter/ rubbed to a cream/ add three eggs and/ one cup of sweet milk, mix one heap-/ ing teaspoonful of/ Fanning's Malt/ Baking Powder, dry/ with two cups of/ flour, and stir all/ together. Bake in/ jelly pans and cov-/ er the layers with/ Fanning's Vanilla/ Icing, and before/ dry sprinkle thick-/ ly with Fanning's/ Silver Seal Cocoa-/ nut. Ice the top of/ cake with Fanning's/ Rose Pink Icing/ and sprinkle with/ cocoanut before/ dry./ COCOANUT/ PIE./ Soak one cup of/ Fanning's Silver/ Seal Cocoanut in/ one quart of boiling/ milk, add one cup/ of sugar, two table-/ spoonsful of butter/ and four eggs. This/ makes two pies./ Bake without upper/ crust./ COCOANUT/ PUDDING./ Two cups Fan-/ ning's Silver Seal/ Cocoanut, one half/ cup sugar, two cups/ sweet milk, one/ tablespoonful corn/ starch, two cups of/ bread or cracker/ crumbs, one-half a/ nutmeg grated, one/ teaspoonful essence./ lemon. Bake in/ pudding dish about/ one-half hour." printed on side panels. "JJF/ CO" printed within round silver disk. "Feb. 6th 1253 sheets/ (No 5-90)" handwritten in pencil on one long edge of sheet. "1898" handwritten in pencil on back of sheet.
- Missing
- Appears complete.
- Finish
- Red, yellow, black, green, blue, brown, silver, black and off-white text and graphics, printed on off-white paper.
- Decoration
- Stylized images of whole coconuts in tree, and scene of children being pelted with coconuts by monkeys in treetops decorate label.
If you choose to share our information about this collection object, please cite:
Unknown Manufacturer, Sheet, press, 1898, Artifact no. 2008.1496, Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation,
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