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- advertising/b&w
- 1897
- 2008.1508.001
- Unknown
- Twelve Carloads of Chandler & Price Gordon Presses
- Unknown
More Information
General Information
- Serial #
- N/A
- Part Number
- 1
- Total Parts
- 1
- N/A
- Patents
- N/A
- General Description
- Black printed text and graphics appear on off-white paper.
Note: These reflect the general size for storage and are not necessarily representative of the object's true dimensions.
- Length
- 87.5 cm
- Width
- 29.5 cm
- Height
- N/A
- Thickness
- N/A
- Weight
- N/A
- Diameter
- N/A
- Volume
- N/A
- Group
- Printing
- Category
- Printed specimens
- Sub-Category
- N/A
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- City
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- Period
- Presumably produced after 1897.
- Canada
Many of the plates, proofs, labels and posters were produced for Canada's growing number of manufacturers in everything from farm implements to preserved food, pharmaceuticals and musical instruments. Some of these, like Massey Harris, were once giants. Others may have left no other traces than the plate and proof for a cheque, receipt or letterhead. The artifacts and print specimens represent the output of one of the fastest growing industries in this period: printing and graphic arts. Not only was printing growing rapidly as a sector, it was also subdividing into specialized segments. The engraving and lithography trades, whose processes excelled at reproducing creative imagery, colour, and decorative calligraphy, commanded the market for stationery, packaging, posters, promotional calendars and catalogue covers. The collection attests to the emergence of a new market, consumer goods, and a new industry, advertising. During this period, the role of the household as a centre of production was steadily weakened as its members became implicated in the labour market. As members became increasingly dependent on cash employment, household needs like clothing and food had to be met by purchasing goods. At the same time manufacturers, pressed by competition, continually sought both to expand their markets and reduce their costs through mass production. National markets for consumer goods thus emerged. The printing and publishing industry played a key role in this process through advertising and packaging. - Function
To inform viewers and promote product, service, event and/or company, etc. - Technical
This poster promoted Gordon model printing presses, manufactured by Chandler & Price. - Area Notes
- Markings
- Lengthy text of poster face includes "TWELVE CARLOADS OF CHANDLER & PRICE GORDON PRESSES/ The Largest Single Shipment of Platen Printing Presses ever forwarded by One Firm./THE ILLUSTRATION herewith represents with photographic exactness a trainload of Chandler & Price Gordon Presses, and other/ Printers' Supplies, shipped on January 25, 1897, to various branches of the American Type Founders Company, by the Chandler & Price/ Company of Cleveland, Ohio, the order for the Presses (160 Gordons) having been received on December 26, 1896./ THIS PICTURE is presented to the trade to show the immense popularity of the Chandler & Price Improved Old Style Gordon Presses, the facilities which this factory enjoys for the rapid filling of orders, and the/ size of a single order from only one of its many customers. No other make of press equals the Chandler & Price Old Style Gordon for general use and as a money maker and saver. There is no other/ press for which so little repair bills are required. There is no other press made so perfectly and thoroughly embodying the three cardinal principles of correct press construction - Strength, Durability and Simplicity./ A Test of Ten Years' Service Verifies all Claims made for these Presses./ Over 7,500 CHANDLER & PRICE GORDONS ARE IN USE and ALL GIVING PERFECT SATISFACTION". "SUPPLEMENT, THE INLAND PRINTER, MARCH, 1897" printed below."HOME OF THE CHANDLER & PRICE PRESS,/ Capacity, 1,800 Gordons a Year.", "READ THESE LETTERS- THEY EXPLAIN THEMSELVES.", CHANDLER & PRINCE PAPER CUTTER." and "CHANDLER & PRICE PRESS" appear below relative illustrations. "CUT OUT THE SHEET HERE AND PUT IT ON THE WALL" printed above broken line on left side short edge of poster.
- Missing
- Appears complete.
- Finish
- Black printed text and graphics appear on off-white paper.
- Decoration
- Stylized illustrations of train, factory building, printing press and paper cutter, as well as decorative scrollwork decorate poster face.
If you choose to share our information about this collection object, please cite:
Unknown Manufacturer, Poster, circa 1897, Artifact no. 2008.1508, Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation,
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