Recorder-player, tape & radio
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- AM-FM/Portable/Stereo/Tape/8-Track
- 1970–1975
- 2016.0288.001
- Unknown
- Planetron VX-10
- Unknown
More Information
General Information
- Serial #
- N/A
- Part Number
- 1
- Total Parts
- 1
- N/A
- Patents
- N/A
- General Description
- Synthetic body with metal antenna and components Extérieur synthétique avec antenne en métal.
Note: These reflect the general size for storage and are not necessarily representative of the object's true dimensions.
- Length
- 26.5 cm
- Width
- 17.5 cm
- Height
- 29.5 cm
- Thickness
- N/A
- Weight
- N/A
- Diameter
- N/A
- Volume
- N/A
- Group
- Communications
- Category
- Radio
- Sub-Category
- N/A
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- City
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- State/Province
- Unknown
- Period
- Unknown Inconnu
- Canada
The Planetron VX-10 was the Canadian version of a product sold by Brother in the United States as the Aquatron VX-33. It is not known if similar models were released in Japan or other countries. Le modèle Planetron VX-10 était la version canadienne d'un produit vendu par la compagnie Brother aux États-Unis, l'Aquatron VX-33. Il est inconnu si autres modèles similaires ont été vendues au Japon ou autres pays. - Function
A portable device that can be used to receive standard AM and FM broadcasts and to play 8 track audio tapes. Un appareil portable qui peux être utilisé pour recevoir des émissions AM et FM standard et pour lire des cassettes audio 8 pistes. - Technical
The Planetron VX-10 features an AM/FM radio receiver, stereo speakers and an eight-track tape player housed in a single, portable, table-top unit. In addition to the radio and eight-track, this model has a “phono” jack that allows it to be connected to a record turntable. Eight-track was a compact tape cartridge format introduced around 1965. It used a continuous tape loop on a single reel. Tape was wound off the centre and wound back on the outside, with the tape lubricated to allow it to slide against itself. Because it was initially intended for installation in automobiles, the format was chosen for its compact size (though still larger than the competing Philips Compact Cassette) and ease of operation. The tape required no rewinding and the player had few manual controls that would distract a driver. Most units did not allow users to record their own tapes, and the cartridge format itself had technical shortcomings: sound quality could be affected by print-through and cross talk, and over time friction caused the tapes to wear, snarl and break. Due largely to the commitment of automobile manufacturers, Canadian sales of eight-track tapes exceeded pre-recorded cassettes every year until 1980. By this time, however, technical improvements in Compact Cassette technology (longer record/playback time, increased frequency response and Dolby noise reduction) led to a rapid change in consumer preference. By 1984 eight-track sales were negligible. [Ref: Canadian Recording Industry Association. “Canadian Record Sales Statistics” (1971-1991)] Le Planetron VX-10 fonctionne comme radio-récepteur, des haut-parleurs stéréo et un lecteur de cassettes à huit pistes dans un seul appareil portable de table. De plus, ce modèle a prise phono, ce qui lui permet d'être connecté à un tourne-disque. Le huit pistes était un format de cartouche de bande compacte introduit vers 1965. Il utilise une boucle de bande continue sur une seule bobine. Étant donné que ce modèle était originalement destiné pour installation dans les véhicules, son format a était choisi pour une grosseur compacte et sa facilité d'opération. La bande ne nécessite pas de rebobinage et avait seulement quelquefonction manuelle qui pourrait distraire de conducteur du véhicule. En grande partie grâce à l'engagement des manufacturiers d'automobiles, les ventes canadiennes des cassettes à huit pistes surpassaient les cassettes pré enregistrés chaques année jusqu'en 1980. À cette époque, les améliorations technologiques des cassettes compactes ont mené à l'évolution rapide des préférences des consommateurs. En 1984, les ventes de huit pistes étaient négligeables. - Area Notes
- Markings
- On the tuner display on the proper front: "FM 88 92 96 100 104 108 MHz/ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10/ AM 54 60 70 90 120 160 KHz x 10/ STEREO"/ On the proper front face: above knobs "AM/ FM/ TAPE/ PHONO"/ "TUNING"/ "AC/ BATT/ CAR 12V"/ "BALANCE/ L/ R"/ "VOLUME/ 10/ 8/ 6/ 4/ 2/ 0"/ "TONE/ H/ L"/ On coloured indicators on the proper front: "3/ 4/ POWER"/ Above the tape deck: "[logo] planetron VX-10/ 8 TRACK STEREO AM/FM MPX AC/BATT/CAR"/ Under the tape deck: "HEAD/ PHONE/ CHANNEL/ SELECTOR/ DIAL/ LIGHT/ ON/OFF/ POWER"/ On the label on the proper left: "USE MODEL VX-35 SPEAKERS OR OTHER/ SPEAKERS WITH 8 OHM IMPEDANCE AND/ PLUG CONNECTOR TO FIT "F" TYPE JACK/ ON UNIT"/ In raised letters on the proper left and right: "EXT. SP"/ On the labels on the proper back: "[logo] planetron VX-10/ 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER AM/FM MPX/PHONO/ 1 IC 20 TRANSISTOR 11 DIODE/ CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN/ CABINET HOUSING, EXCEPT BATTERY COMPARTMENT/ COVER, NO USE SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE./ REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL./ THIS MODEL COMPLIES AS OF DATE OF MANUFACTURE WITH FCC RULES/ AND REGULATIONS PART 15, SUBPART "C"./ POWER SUPPLY AC 120V 50~60 Hz 40W/ DC 12 V ("D" CELL x 8)/ DC 12 V CAR BATT. 30 W/ BROTHER INTERNATIONAL CORP./ 680 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK N.Y. 10019/ PHONO [arrow right to diagram] R L/ DC 12 V [arrow right to diagram]/ MADE IN JAPAN"/ "SPECIAL ACCEPTANCE/ [logo] CSA/ S393030/ ACCEPTATION SPECIALE"
- Missing
- One knob is missing
- Finish
- The body is predominantly cream-coloured synthetic with a brown proper front, chrome-coloured antenna, and black suction cup base. The object also has black and silver-coloured knobs, and cream-coloured, yellow, green, and red buttons on the proper front, and silver-coloured stickers with black text on the proper back and proper left side. L'extérieur est principalement en synthétique de couleur crème avec un devant en brun, une antenne en couleur chrome et une base noire. L'objet à aussi des boutons noirs et argentés, ainsi que des boutons couleur crème, jaune, vert et rouge sur le devant. et un auto-collant argenté et une écriture noir sur le derrière et le côté gauche.
- Decoration
- N/A
If you choose to share our information about this collection object, please cite:
Unknown Manufacturer, Recorder-player, tape & radio, circa 1970–1975, Artifact no. 2016.0288, Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation,
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