Boîte pour aspirateur
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- S/O
- 2015
- 2015.0065.015
- Inconnu
- Roomba/ 770/ SGSEA/070388
- Inconnu
Plus d’information
Renseignements généraux
- Nº de série
- S/O
- Nº de partie
- 15
- Nombre total de parties
- 17
- Ou
- S/O
- Brevets
- S/O
- Description générale
- Heavy cardboard and synthetic
Remarque : Cette information reflète la taille générale pour l’entreposage et ne représente pas nécessairement les véritables dimensions de l’objet.
- Longueur
- 54,5 cm
- Largeur
- 49,5 cm
- Hauteur
- 13,0 cm
- Épaisseur
- S/O
- Poids
- S/O
- Diamètre
- S/O
- Volume
- S/O
- Groupe
- Technologie domestique
- Catégorie
- Ménage
- Sous-catégorie
- S/O
- Ou
- Inconnu
- Pays
- Inconnu
- État/province
- Inconnu
- Ville
- Inconnu
- Pays
- Inconnu
- État/province
- Inconnu
- Période
- Purchased new, never used.
- Canada
Taken from curatorial worksheet; reference #1: Roomba vacuum robots are offered on the Canadian market since about 2003. They are offered at main stores like Canadian Tire, The Bay, Home Depot. Canada is part of a world market for these vacuum robots- by 2014, more than 10 million had been sold. Canadians buy them for automatic floor vacuuming routine which helps them to cope with housework in their busy working and family lives of now days. Most user critics are favourable. - Fonction
Used for display and shipping purposes. - Technique
Taken from curatorial worksheet; reference #1: Represents the incarnation of a long-time dream: having housework done by robots, in this case, the vacuuming. The first robotic vacuum cleaner to hit the market was the Electrolux Trilobite in 2001. The second one was the Roomba, in 2002. The 770 model is in the middle range of the iRobot serie and is on the market since about 2011. It cleans in a 3-stage process and adjusts automatically to different floor surfaces. It is equipped with multiple sensors that evaluate the cleaning environment, its needs and configuration, more than 60 times per second. It can vacuum in tight spots, under and around furniture without getting blocked, can do persistent cleaning passes for a dirty spot It has dual HEPA air filters. It is programmable up to 7 times per week. With the Auto Virtual Wall barriers emitting an infrared beam, it knows the areas to clean and return automatically to the recharging station. - Notes sur la région
- Marques
- Print on front of box "IRobot R/ Roomba R/ Vacuum Cleaning Robot/ 770". Print on back of box "IRobot R/ Roomba R/ Vacuum Cleaning Robot/ Let the robots do the work. TM/ Laissez les robots faire le travail." Print below "THOROUGH CLEANING/ Gets rid of 98% of dirt, dust and/ other debris/ NETTOYAGE PARFAIT/ Elimine 98% des saletees, pousierres et/ autres debris.", "IADAPT R RESPONSIVE/ CLEANING TECHNOLOGY/ Monitors the cleaning environment more/ than 60 times per second and uses over/ 40 behaviors./ TECHNOLOGIE DE NETTOYAGE/ REACTIVE IDAPT/ Control l'environment do [spelling mistake in text] nettoyage/ de plus 60 fois par seconde et utilise/ plus de 40 programmes.", and "ADDED CONVENIENCE/ Cleans on a schedule that's convenient/ for you./ PLUS RAPIDE/ Nettoie en fonction de votre emploi/ du temps." Other print below describes how the vacuum functions, in both French and in English. One side of the box has images of all accessories included in the box. Above images reads "IRobot/ Roomba/ Vacuum Cleaning Robot/ 770/ FACTS & FIGURES/ CLEARANCE/ Height: 90 mm. (3.54 in)/ Width: 343 mm. (13.5 in)/ WEIGHT/ 3.8 kg. (8.38 lbs)". Print on other side describes the vacuum's features. Print on the bottom of the box "IRobot, Roomba, IAdapt, Virtual Wall and Home Base are registered trademarks of IRobot Corporation./ Lighthouse, Dirt Detect, AeroVac and "Let the robots do the work" are trademarks of IRobot Corporation./ C 2007-2012 IRobot Corporation, 8 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730. All rights reserved.", "U.S. Pat. Nos. D566,961; 6,594,844; 6,690,134; 6,809,490; 6,883,201; 6,956,348; 7,155,308; 7,173,391;/ 7,196,487; 7,288,912; 7,332,890; 7,388,343; 7,389,156; 7,429,843; 7,430,455; 7,441,298; 7,448,113;/ 7,459,871; 7,567,052; 7,571,511; 7,579,803; 7,636,982; 7,663,333; 8,087,117/ Additional Patents Pending.".
- Manque
- Appears complete.
- Fini
- Heavy cardboard with glossy print and images. Interior of box is white. White synthetic handle.
- Décoration
- Image of the Roomba vacuum.
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Fabricant inconnu, Boîte pour aspirateur, vers 2015, Numéro de l'artefact 2015.0065, Ingenium - Musées des sciences et de l'innovation du Canada,
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