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- silver disk
- 1960
- 2004.0344.001
- Inconnu
- T7
- Inconnu
Plus d’information
Renseignements généraux
- Nº de série
- SI-T7
- Nº de partie
- 1
- Nombre total de parties
- 1
- Ou
- S/O
- Brevets
- S/O
- Description générale
- wood casing/ silver disk/ metal (brass?) tube and working parts/ metal base and stand, parts/ glass thermometer tube containing mercury
Remarque : Cette information reflète la taille générale pour l’entreposage et ne représente pas nécessairement les véritables dimensions de l’objet.
- Longueur
- 44,5 cm
- Largeur
- 28,0 cm
- Hauteur
- 56,5 cm
- Épaisseur
- S/O
- Poids
- S/O
- Diamètre
- S/O
- Volume
- S/O
- Groupe
- Météorologie
- Catégorie
- Mesure d'intensité et de durée de l'insolation
- Sous-catégorie
- S/O
- Ou
- Inconnu
- Pays
- Inconnu
- État/province
- Inconnu
- Ville
- Inconnu
- Pays
- Canada
- État/province
- Inconnu
- Période
- This instrument was apparently in use for 42 years (Ref. 5).
- Canada
A radiation measuring instrument of a type used by the Meteorological Service of Canada to gather radiation data. Part of a large collection of meteorological instruments acquired from the Meteorological Service of Canada (previously Atmospheric Environment Service) by the CSTM since 1967. MSC is the government agency responsible for collecting and disseminating meteorological data and forecasts in Canada. It was founded in 1871 in Toronto where it is still headquartered. The MSC was originally on the University of Toronto downtown campus but moved to Downsview in 1971 on land owned by UofT. The headquarters houses laboratories, research facilities and calibration and instrument maintenance facilities (now largely contracted out). - Fonction
An instrument used to measure the radiation from the direct beam of the sun; direct beam RF8 (Radiation Field 8) measurements are made at solar radiation research sites. - Technique
Pyrheliometers are the most accurate of all radiation instruments and are commonly used as standards. The Abbot silver disk pyrheliometer was designed in 1909 by C.G. Abbott at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. This type of pyrheliometer is the most accurate, maintains its calibrations for many years and was used in the U.S. as a standard instrument for the calibration of secondary pyrheliometers and pyranometers. It must be calibrated against a primary standard. The silver pyrheliometer has a blackened silver disk supported by fine steel wires at the lower end of a copper tube. A mercury in glass thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the disk, with the thermometer bulb inserted into the disk. A series of diaphragms inside the tube is used to limit the angle of acceptance of the instrument to approximately 6 degrees and a triple shutter mounted in front of the tube is used to shade it from radiation (Refs. 2-4). This example has a cylindrical wooden casing at the lower end of the tube and no manufacturer's label. Silver disk pyrheliometer 2004.0345 is very similar in size and construction, with different wood and metal finishes. It has a moveable viewer for the thermometer scale. - Notes sur la région
- Marques
- white AES label with black lettering reading '6660-0300 SI-T7/ [bar code]/ *5257-00502* ARQX/ PYRHELIOMETER/SILVER DISK'/ thermometer scale marked for -10 to 50 degrees in 1/100th increments
- Manque
- unknown/ shade is detached and missing the two small screws which should attach the shader to the tube
- Fini
- light brown stained and coated wood/ gold coloured metal tube, parts/ glossy black painted base and stand/ plated and metallic parts/ colourless transparent glass/ black painted and metallic shade
- Décoration
- S/O
Si vous souhaitez publier de l’information sur cet objet de collection, veuillez indiquer ce qui suit :
Fabricant inconnu, Pyrhéliomètre, vers 1960, Numéro de l'artefact 2004.0344, Ingenium - Musées des sciences et de l'innovation du Canada,
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